Enrol today!

Our metabolism is simply how well our cells are able to TAKE IN and USE energy. A sluggish metabolism = hormonal chaos.

Cue painful periods, irregular cycles, acne, weight gain and all those things you don't enjoy.

Here is exactly where you need to start. Ovulation is the ONLY way we make progesterone.

This bundle contains an entire course on ovulation which will help your learn to pinpoint EXACTLY if & when you are ovulating.

Identifying if this is happening, is the first step to re-balancing your cycle.

A healthy cycle relies on a strong metabolism. Because this dictates the health of every cell in our body.

You will get five daily action steps that are based on delicious food and drinks that are all pro-metabolic.

You'll be shown how to time your meals to optimise metabolic function, how to consume coffee in a stress-friendly way & how to make sure your water is actually hydrating you. Plus so MUCH more!

You will get access to...

- 2 hours worth of video lessons

- Delicious, nourishing recipes

- 5 helpful PDF guides

- Cycle tracking charts

- Quick reference guides that help you read your body's ovulation signs